Many of us are choosing to stay home during the pandemic. However, after a while of social distancing, the walls may seem like they are closing around us. To steer clear of a mini-freak out and the development of bad habits, considering following these simple steps to stay calm, cool, and collected during these uncertain times.
Firstly, taking care of your mental health is an essential step in this process. Some things are easier said than done, but it’s important to identify a clear foundation of actions that contribute to positive mental wellbeing:
– Reduce stress and anxiety (read on to learn how!)
– Increase self-esteem
– Improve relationships
– Clear thinking and problem solving
– Work towards your purpose
Another vital element in this process of wellbeing is checking in with yourself. Give yourself a mini mental health check-up and begin to identify changes in your mood, concentration, sleep, appetite, etc. Questions include:
– “Have you been feeling more irritable towards certain people or situations lately?”
– “Are you having trouble sleeping and staying asleep?”
– “Have you been eating properly lately?”
– “Do you feel overwhelmed when faced with simple tasks?”
Keeping connected with friends and loved ones during these times of frequent isolation is imperative! Check-in. Keep in touch and REACH OUT to others if they cross your mind.
– Check-in with friends
– Reach out to friends and family
– Plan a zoom-call meeting
– Plan a social distanced outing
Taking care of your mental health during the pandemic is equally as important as staying on top of your physical wellbeing. Consider looking up various at-home workouts or going for a quick run around your neighborhood. Getting yourself outside may seem difficult right now, but you won’t regret a good workout afterward. Plus, physical activity releases endorphins that produce happy chemicals. So, put in a workout outfit that you feel comfortable and confident in, and let’s get moving!
Remember: a good workout doesn’t mean you have to be dripping in sweat at the end of it. Participating in moderate-intensity exercises can suffice a well. Some examples include:
– Riding a bike
– Swimming
– Gardening
– Dancing
– Jogging
Try a new recipe! Cooking can be a great way to take your mind off of external thoughts. By focusing on tasks involved with following a recipe, not only will you relax and try something new – you will have a delicious treat at the end! Experiment with new flavors and cuisines. And when an invitation to a dinner party arrives, you can showcase your new-found deliciousness!
Navigating these uncertain times can be challenging. Rough days are inevitable, but by following these simple steps listed above, 2020 may be a little sweeter. Now, keep connected, healthy, and hydrated!