We’ve all been there: the amplified heart rate, overpowering thoughts and un-easy stomach. If you’re like 99.9% of people on this planet, chances are you’ve been in a stressful state. Some stressful circumstances and feelings de-escalate at a faster rate than others. But If the un-easy feeling is still lingering, fear not: here are 5 ways to quickly de-stress!

1. Get Up, Get Moving
Every time you go for a walk or exert a substantial amount of energy, your body produces mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals help reduce pain and stress – resulting in a happier and healthier you. (It’s not often that one regrets a good workout!)

2. Cut the Cord to Re-charge
In today’s day and age, it is quite easy to get tangled up in social media, news, and digital entertainment. Certain applications are designed to continuously engage the user with infinite amounts of information. This can be detrimental to an individual and may even result in unhealthy habits. Unplug. Limit phone and computer use. Take a break from the digital world.

3. Grow Positive Thoughts
The mind is like a garden and how we feel is a direct reflection of our thoughts. Approach situations with a positive mindset. Instead of thinking, “What’s the worst that can happen?” think, “What’s the best that can happen?” Having a positive outlook will change the way you feel towards specific tasks. Of course, this is easier said than done. But with practice, positivity, and perseverance anything is possible.

4. Fuel Your Passion
Whether it’s writing, running, drawing, or reading, be sure to dedicate time out of your day to take part in something you’re passionate about. Not only will you enjoy the time you’re spending, but you may also reminisce on happy memories that involve what you’re passionate about – making you feel even better in the process.

5. Talk It Out
Stress can occur from emotional build-up. Talking out the problem at hand with someone that you trust can be beneficial. In doing so, you may:
- Gain new insight into the stressful situation
- Sort out the problem
- Find that you are not alone
- Release built-up tension
- Identify solutions to the problem
By practicing any or all of the 5 methods to de-stress listed above, you may develop new habits when stressful feelings arise. These practices may promote a healthier and happier you.